
Roadmap for Atlas Fund DeFi Project

Week 1: Marketing Campaign

  • Launch a comprehensive marketing campaign to increase awareness and promote the Atlas Fund DeFi project.

  • Engage in targeted marketing activities to reach potential investors and community members.

  • Conduct giveaways and incentivize participation to attract a wider audience.

  • Implement cashback initiatives to reward early supporters and encourage participation.

Week 2: Advanced Liquidity Pool Launch

  • Introduce an advanced liquidity pool integrated with the Atlas Fund DeFi project.

  • Provide users with enhanced features and benefits in the liquidity pool ecosystem.

  • Launch the liquidity pool with carefully selected token pairs and optimized trading strategies.

  • Promote the advantages of participating in the advanced liquidity pool to the community.

Week 3: Community Face-off AMA

  • Organize an interactive "Ask Me Anything" (AMA) session with the Atlas Fund DeFi team.

  • Encourage community members to actively participate, ask questions, and share feedback.

  • Foster open and transparent communication to build trust and strengthen the community bond.

Week 4: NFT Earning Booster Mint

  • Introduce an innovative NFT Earning Booster feature to amplify the earning potential for NFT holders.

  • Enable users to mint NFTs with boosted earning capabilities, adding value and utility to their holdings.

  • Promote the NFT Earning Booster as an exclusive and rewarding opportunity within the Atlas Fund DeFi ecosystem.

Throughout the roadmap, the Atlas Fund DeFi team remains committed to providing regular updates, maintaining strong communication channels, and actively engaging with the community. The project endeavors to deliver a professional, innovative, and rewarding experience for all participants.

Last updated